The Laundry Room Episode

We had a nice relaxing breakfast on the lanai. Dami cooked some eggs with sausage. We also had cheese, strawberry jam and peanut butter. We had our orange juice with pineapple wedges on our glasses! The pineapple was so sweet and tasty!

We had breakfast with pigeons and doves and another kind of bird that looked like a plump sparrow. I can’t believe the low price we’re paying for this place. The regular price for this suite is 325$usd, three times the Plantation Hell Worst Western and we got it for 208$, the same number as the room!

Today we went for a hike at the Waimea Canyon. I was so glad I had my poles! It was a 4 miles hike with some easy, moderate and strenuous sections. WOW! That was amazing! The red dirt and the big rocks were awesome. I panicked at the end though because I’m afraid of heights and the Canyon is so gigantic. Near the falls, we were so close to the edge with nothing to stop you if you fall. It looked like some scene taken out of the Adventure PC game Myst.

Back at the hotel the evening was so cool and windy. Sassie, the resident cat was following some guests. She actually followed us to our room last night. She can’t meow very well which is a good thing. We didn’t want her meowing at the door all the time!

We had hot dogs, potato salad and a green salad for dinner. The radio was playing all my favorite hits, it was perfect!

I had some laundry to do and as I went to the laundry room, I noticed a dryer with the door open with a pair of sneakers by itself and another one with 47 minutes remaining on the machine… hmmm I thought, this is very strange. It looked like somebody had its clothes stollen but the shoes didn’t fit so the theif left them there. I didn’t want to leave my clothes unattended since I hadn’t brought enough clothes and everything I had to wear was in that pile of lundry. I wasn’t going to take any chances. I put my clothes in a washing machine and went back to the room quickly to get a beer with something to read and told Dami about the whole fishy thing. Just outside the laundry room there was a plastic white chair that I sat on. I took a sip of my beer and put the bottle on the ground next to the chair and watched the action that could have came out of a Hawaii Five-0 episode! There was a guy coming out of a white van, calling his cats out to feed them. Three black cats, about a few months old and very afraid. He bent down in a bush to my left, in front of me, calling the cats to feed them wet food that I could smell from where I was sitting. Did he think I couldn’t see him? So he stayed there probably waiting for me to leave but there was no way I was going to. So he waited, and waited and then lost patience and got out of the bush, put the food someplace else and left the cats there and drove his white van out of the parking lot. One cat remained in the bush, to my left, while the second one was ahead of me behind the bar, and the other one to my right, under the stairs of the hotel suites. I was surrounded. This was a very weird experience. I was wondering if there were homeless people in Kauai. I think that guy was. The night was chilly and I was looking forward going back to the room and tell Dami about the whole thing.