Thank god I watch the news! If it wasn’t for that I would’ve missed one of most historical moments of New Brunswick: the opening of the River Causeway. After a little research I found the Petitcodiac Riverkeeper website that was counting down the hours and the minutes for this much awaited grand opening! I had a hour an 35 minutes to get my butt to the chocolate river!
What a magical moment. As I got there at 1pm, there were maybe a few dozens of people but as the time approached more and more gathered to either shake their heads or shake hands! It was a little cool, maybe 9 Celsius and cloudy with very shy sun rays. Environment Canada called for a 60% chance of rain and luckily we only got a few drops not even enough to open my umbrella. As usual a few flocks of birds were there as if they knew what was about to happen.
CBC, CTV and Rogers were there among other medias. As we waited for the tide to come down a little, they took turns in interviewing spectators and protesters.
A small plane flew by as well as a helicopter making it feel even more like an important moment. People gathered with their kids, their pets, with or without an opinion. Only a few Policemen were there and walked around chatting with people.
Surprisingly protesters were not aggressive but walked around with their signs. Some to protest because the government will be spending millions for the construction of a bridge while they’d rather the money be spent on health care and more important issues to them.
Others were there to protest because of the water level that could reach an old dump site and that it could pollute the water. Some who live along the artificial lake that was created when they built the causeway, are afraid that their property value could drop by as much as 40%.
This woman who used to go kayaking on the lake says she will not be able to anymore. One woman said that the tides we saw would no longer be. It will be a river, a simple river that flows to the sea like it’s supposed to.
A lot of people are afraid of what might happen after the gates are open. It is human nature to be afraid and create scenarios. This time, humans give back to the river and nature will heal its wounds. Nature endures much worst than the opening of the causeway!
Fishes won’t die and birds won’t become extinct because they opened the gate… and as for pollution… no need to open the causeway to pollute the oceans!